
Washington DC (3)

Additional photos of Washington DC - Mt. Vernon, George Washington's House. It's in Mt. Vernon in Virginia State, about 40 minutes drive from DC.



Washington DC on Veterans' Day Weekend (1)

November 11th was Veterans' Day, a holiday for us so we drove to Washington DC. About 5 hours-drive.


On Friday, we first visited the Phillips Collection which has a large collection of Impressionist paintings. Renoir's "The Luncheon of the Boating Party" Le déjeuner des canotiers is one of the most famous paintings in this gallery. Coincidentally, there was a special exhibition of Dega.


Then we walked to George Town where you can enjoy shopping and walking. There we found "Old Stone House", a house from per-revolutionary era.


We stayed in Arlington so our last destination on Friday was Iwo Jima Memorial. This memorial is located on the extension of the Capitol Hill and Washington Monument.


It was very warm on Saturday. We started from Arlington National Cemetery. Because it was Veterans' Day Weekend, it seems many veterans visited the cemetery. There were also many students visited there on their field trips. We visited the grave of JFK and Arlington House, and then when we visited tombs of unknown soldiers, we could see the change of guards. They guard the tomb 24/7.


After that, we visited several museums of Smithsonian Institute. First we went to National Air and Space Museum. Lots of aircraft was being hanged from the ceilings.


National Gallery was not popular among our children so we switched to Natural History Museum. There were lots of dinosaurs, mammals, so every kid likes this place.


We walked a lot so that was almost end of today's sightseeing. We went to see Washington Monument, from there we saw Lincoln's Memorial and we went down to see President Obama's house.



School Events

Today I will introduce some of the school fun events.


In our elementary school, children celebrate friends' birthdays. In such occasions, parents of the birthday child bring some sweets such as cupcakes to the class and they celebrate the birthday in the
classroom. Apart from that, sometimes, parents will hold a special birthday party. The venues will be a party space at museums or event halls. The photographs are one of those birthday parties in a event space nearby.


This time, it was close to Halloween so it was a costume party. My daughter is a cat this year.


On Halloween day, the elementary school held Halloween Parade. All children brought their costumes and they marched around the school building twice. It seems a cat costume is popular - I saw three of them.


Some children wore Halloween costumes in the middle school, too.


The middle school had a fun event in last month. There were "crazy hair day", "old cloths day" and "twin day". On crazy hair day, they put on wigs or sprayed color, on old cloths day, they put on rags, and the twin day is a day that you put on the same cloths with your best friend. Everybody (even boys) enjoyed such events.



Colombus Day

Mond ay of the second week of October is Columbus Da y. Well the real Columbus Day may be October 12th because Columbus reached to America on that day.



A traveling carnival came near my house. Local people paraded. It is a festival for Italian people. Columbus reached here with the support of Spanish government but Spanish people here don't seem to celebrate this.


Rockfeller State Park Preserve

我が家のあるウェストチェスター郡は西側にハドソン川があり、この川沿いにはハイキングコースがいくつかあります。先週末その中の一つ、Rockefeller State Park Preserve に行ってみました。その名の通り、有名なロックフェラー財閥の一族が買い取ってニューヨーク州に寄付した自然保護地域で、広大な土地です。

Along the Hudson River, there are several hiking course. One of them is Rockefeller State Park Preserve where we visited last weekend. As the name shows, this land was donated by the famous Rockefeller family.


There is a big pond, meadow with cows and horses... They have several walking paths.


This is what we thought was a beaver. The photo is not clear unfortunately.


Portland, Bar Harbor and Boston (4)

Second day Boston. I wanted to walk around Harvard University but kids were not interested in it at all so ended up just seeing Kennedy School.



Portland, Bar Harbor and Boston (3)


It was foggy when we set for Boston. Difficult to see the cars ahead.
And it started raining quite heavily.


Fortunately it was cloudy in Portsmouth.


Arrived at Boston. The view of the financial district.



Boston played a significant role during the American War of Independence and the historical sites can be seen along the "Freedom Trail". A small children can walk this path so we followed this route and visited some of the historical spots.

This is a statue of Paul Revere, a famous patriot during the Independent War who alerted the approach of the British forces before the battles of Lexington and Concord by the famous "Midnight Ride". We visited Revere's home but photo was prohibited so no photo here.


オールド・サウス集会場は、ボストン茶会事件の発端となった集会を行った場所です。(ウィキペディア日本語版はありませんでした。)ボストン茶会事件は、イギリスの課税に反対した運動でしたが、現代のアメリカでTea Partyというと課税や政府支出に反対する保守系の人たちの草の根運動を指します。語源は当然ながらボストン茶会事件です。

Old South Meeting House is the place of the organizing point for the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773. Today, "Tea Party" in the US means a grass routes movements against taxation and governmental spending.


Two lanterns were hung in the steeple of Old North Church at the time of Paul Revere's midnight ride to alert the approach of British forces.


USS Constitution in the Freedom Trail is the oldest masted frigate of the US Navy, Launched in 1797.

コンスティテューション号のとなりにあるのは、特攻隊の突撃でも沈まなかったUSS カシン・ヤング。沖縄戦に参加していました。

The next to USS Constitution, you can see USS Cassin Young.


The area around the naval shipyard has a nice port view.


The obelisk far away is Bunker Hill Monument which was built to commemorate the Battle of Bunker Hill.

独立宣言を起草したベンジャミン・フランクリンの銅像は、泊ったホテルの向かい側、オールド・シティ・ホールの中にありました。旧市庁舎自体は、今は一部(地下?)が有名なステーキ・ハウスRuth's Chrisが入っているのが意外でした。

The statue of Benjamin Franklin was in the yard of Old City Hall which was just in front of our hotel. The basement of the Old City Hall was a famous steak house, Ruth's Chris.


This is the last place of the Freedom Trail, Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall named after the Mayor of Boston who built this market.


We found a statue of Larry Joe Bird, the basketball player of Boston Celtics and his shoes which were huge.



Finally dinner.
Baked Beans.


Chili Con Carne.


I wonder if this is really Tacos Salad.
